going on holiday
off on holiday soon!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait to see dry land again. i think i'll go in the forest i hope there aren't any bears!!!!!!!!
beloved ististias

This is my god istsias he's my best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! taking this photo with me on my holiday
fun journey
i met some new friends today we went on a fun journey on a boat !!!!!!!! i showed a guy my photo of istias he really liked it!!
fucking wizard
getting a little annoyed at this old wizard that keeps asking me to do things for him. oh well i'm sure nothing bad will happen
whats the point
tried to fuck mrs. fortnight again she isnt interested in me . i am getting blue balls. (note to self, ask ragnar what balls are)
salted prok
ragnar tried to get me to eat this. it was burned in fire. highly ungodly and disgusting!!!!!!! its also made of human flesh but i think thats normal for them, barrys always eating it.
praise istisias!!!!!!
found a can of tuna in my bag , i was planning to put it in a sock and whack barry with it if he gets too close to my hands but i don't know where to get a sock!! it was delicious but they take out all the best bits no bones no eyes? istisias strike me blind. these people cannot be saved.
not happy
dick figure is chatting shit about me again
fucking annoying
mrs, forntint still won't fuck me even though i sung her like 5 istisian hymns. it took like an hour to get through them all!!!!!!!!!
think i killed dick
barry is collecting big red gems. he says its for an important mission. he thinks we dont know that he wants to put them in that ladys cloaca