spent today mostly just sitting around playing animal crossing. i also made a chicken and apricot pie but i think i may have been a little heavy handed with the apricot. I did all my laundry but some of it still smalt like cat piss. i had my job interview the other day and i honestly could not tell you how it went.. i think i did ok but there were just a lot of questions i didn't know the answer to. i stumbled over my words a bit. after the interview one of the ladies asked me if i would ever consider teaching teens because she thinks i'd be good at it. i said maybe, but i'm a bit scared of teens. which now i think about it was probably the wrong thing to say in an interview for a company that mainly caters to teens. oh well. they're going to get back to me next week.. i am trying not to hold out hope but i keep thinking about being able to quit the stoke and becoming a teacher and being all fancy. i could even go back to my phd. the doctoral college emailed my today to ask if i'd ever considered coming back. i honestly haven't even thought about going back for the past year.. my life is too chaotic to throw in a phd too.

me and karen are going to go out for a drink tomorrow... i should definetly clean up a bit in here before she comes over. or at least try and get rid of the piss smell. i was supposed to take him to the vets today but i slept through the appointment.. i was up early weds and thurs and i think i was just tired. it didn;t help that i drank probably about 4 pints of energy drink at work. we had another big kick off but luckily i managed to direct it out of the pub. i am getting very tired of constantly dealing with drunk coked up violent men. a job where i don't constantly fear for my life would be a welcome change.

I just had the thought that i might call my mum but then looked at the clock and its 2.22am. oh well